Is it maskne or is it just poor eating habits? 3 ways I treated my maskne problem

how i deal with maskne

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OK, that’s a bit click-baity isn’t it?

I’m not discrediting those with maskne of course. Maskne or mask-acne is a real problem. Thanks to the daily and constant wearing of face masks throughout this pandemic, our skin is being rubbed raw, getting clogged and breaking out around our mouths and chin areas. It’s like we want to protect ourselves, but our skin hates being confined (and who can blame it really!)

That was the problem I had about a month ago.

how i deal with maskne

I was wearing masks for slightly longer than I usually do (or so I thought) and noticed a spot or two pop up. Thinking nothing of it, I went on as usual, masking up whenever I went out, washing my face as normal, just doing everything as normal (so I thought). Yet, the acne got worse and worse.

I had about 4 HUGE cystic acne going on at once around my chin. My chin area was a mess of whiteheads and blackheads and all sorts of heads in between LOL! It was a mess.

I was puzzled. I’d scaled my skincare back. I’d kept everything basic. Yet, it wasn’t getting better.

One day, I had a thought. What if it’s not 100% a problem with wearing masks, or my skincare. What if it was something else, like poor eating habits?

Well, since then, save for the odd spot I still get, which I know is thanks to wearing masks, the most serious of the acne is gone! Here’s the changes I put in effect that did the magic.

**Read lots more & Share your thoughts here**

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